The future of Destiny 2 is coming in a new event on June 9

Destiny 2 June 9 Event Drifter
Destiny 2 June 9 Event Drifter (Image credit: Bungie)

What you need to know

  • Bungie has announced a new event for Destiny 2 on June 9 at 9 a.m. PDT.
  • This event will show the future of Destiny 2.
  • There's a small teaser showing the Drifter.

Buckle up, Guardians. Bungie has announced a new stream on June 9 that will show the future of Destiny 2. You can take a look at a brief teaser for the event below.

This event will presumably showcase the fall expansion for the game, which should bring a massive new story and other activities for players to undertake. It's also possible that Bungie could talk about next-generation support, diving into just how Destiny 2 will take advantage of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.

The stream begins on June 9 at 9 a.m. PDT. In the meanwhile, if you play Destiny 2 on PC, be sure to check out the new Ghost Overlay widget for the Xbox Game Bar, which vastly simplifies tracking your progress across different Bounties, Catalysts and Quests.



Samuel Tolbert
Freelance Writer

Samuel Tolbert is a freelance writer covering gaming news, previews, reviews, interviews and different aspects of the gaming industry, specifically focusing on Xbox and PC gaming on Windows Central. You can find him on Twitter @SamuelTolbert.